Tag Archive | Etsy

A Few of My Favorite Things


It’s about time I shared a “Favorite Things” post. Here are a few cool things I’ve found around the web recently.

Enjoy, Mari


Little Camera Necklace In Silver

I found this on Anechkas Jewelry’s Etsy Shop while browsing different silver and pewter charms. There are quite a few versions of camera charms on Etsy but this was my favorite because it looks the most like my treasured Pentax K1000 that was the first SLR camera I ever owned. It’s what I used to learn darkroom photography and it will always hold a place close to my heart.


The Arrow Ring by Dresser Johnson

I have always admired my friend **Tricia’s** Arrow Ring. Made by her friends Kevin Dresser and Kate Johnson, these awesome rings make a statement wherever you go and I’m excited to get one myself soon. Check out the Arrow Ring Flickr Group for images featuring this unique piece of wearable art.


Instax Mini Print Window

As you may know, I’m obsessed with the Photojojo website and this is just one item that I’d be happy to buy from them. As the proud owner of an Instax Mini camera, I’m thinking of getting a bunch of these print windows to take to Ecuador so we can display images on our wall easily and aesthetically pleasing.


Re-Stickable Decal Photo Frames

Another item from Photojojo that I can see us using to decorate our home in Ecuador. These fun decals can be re-stuck over and over again, which means that you can change the inside image as much as you want.


Tiny Hippy Van Charm Necklace

What could be a more perfect charm for me than a VW Peace Van! I found this at Evelyn Mae Creations’ Etsy Shop where she showcases nearly 1,000 other items including another favorite charm of mine – a cupcake tin.


Lens Bracelets

A Photojojo original, the lens bracelets allow you to pretend that your arm is a camera lens. What’s cooler than that? Buy them individually or together.