Archive | October 21, 2011

Occupy Together With Design

This incredible project is an opportunity for designers to help support the Occupy Together Movement (including Occupy Wall St. and the sister protests around the world). Much like the amazing group of creative professionals that came together to share designs for posters, buttons, and bumper stickers during the protests at the 2004 Republican National Convention in NYC (I was there) as well as for Obama’s first presidential campaign, this is an example of design playing a role in politics – specifically peaceful protest movements.

Check out how to get involved as a designer for Occupy Together campaigns here, where you’ll find a toolkit and a list of designs needed. If you can’t be there in person – your designs can!

See below for one of the enduring images from No RNC NYC 2004.

Enjoy, Mari



From Occupy Design’s website:

“Occupy Design is a grassroots project connecting designers with on-the-ground demonstrators in the Occupy Together movement. The project’s goal is to create freely available visual tools around a common graphic language to unite the 99%. The project places an emphasis on producing infographics and icons to improve the communication of the movement’s messages and the data surrounding them across the world.”

Also see:

New York Times article about 2004 No RNC Protest posters